Sound Design

SonicLab Fundamental Plugin // Is this much fun actually legal? (1st play through)

We all love a good new plugin don’t we, but seriously, this one is SO much fun I am left wondering if it is actually legal?

I have just been checking out Fundamental from Soniclab, the plugin collaboration of Hainbach and Sinan Bökesoy. Only one word needed. Awesome!

As a creator of a lot of texture based, ambient soundscapes and music compositions, the tone and the way that this creates evolving soundscapes and drones is incredible. I this demo video of the plugin, where I am using it for the first time, I also added some Eventide Blackhole reverb with an additional added touch from AudioThing Speakers (also awesome!!)

There is so much more to explore with this plugin, especially when you start layering multiple instances of Fundamental together!


For more info check out Fundamental at

#fundamentalplugin #soniclab #ambientmusic #darkambient

Getting work : film composers and sound designers

I gave a lecture on Friday to a class of Masters students studying all thing post production on the realities of the industry and also how to get work. It was then quite heartened to find this article on Music Clout, which seems to echo a lot of the things I was suggesting. I think it makes interesting reading and it also means that I don't have to re-type out my list :) Although I probably will put the presentation online at some point.The most important point I would echo from this, is discovering what your niche is and really working towards being the best in that niche!Enjoy and good luck out therePeaceNeil

Where is Logic Studio 10 (or X) and Digital Performer 8?


Just asking :)I can't believe it has been over 3 years since the last version release of Logic Studio 9 (release date was the 23rd July 2009), and as such only a small handful of updates since then. In typical Apple fashion there is no indication or even talk of the future of the application. Are they holding back because of the fiasco surrounding the release of Final Cut Pro X? Did they have to go back an re-write the application after they found out how terribly received Final Cut X was? All this is speculation, as only a handful of people will know and they are sworn to secrecy, so we wait! But, it is quite difficult when you start to look around at the competitors and they have implemented features you really really would like (for me, my biggest problem with Logic is the audio editing and I do a hell of a lot of I actually end up using ProTools or Digital Performer). I really like (even love!) Logic for composing, I can work really fast in it, and I have invested nearly a decade of learning (actually that is nearly a decade and a half!) into it. It has a fantastic collection of plug-ins included with it and works fantastically well when scoring to film. Probably the lazy side of me like the way it bounces out projects too, as that saves me time and time is good! So what do you think the future holds as I am not sure!Talking of futures, there was a shock announcement at NAMM this year, where MOTU announced porting Digital Performer to windows (Shock horror and hell has frozen over!). But since then there has been no announcement of when this might be released. Hopefully soon as this might be the alternative to no Logic X ....maybe!PeaceNeil