TC Spark Mini Booster review
It really does seem that TC are on a mission at the moment, releasing the most amazing guitar related products, and really listening to what guitarist wants (well maybe not me as I want an upgraded Nova System with just an Auto wah option and better tuner!), but it seems they have done it again. Today they announced the new TC Spark Mini booster, the smaller sibling of the amazing Spark boost, but without most of the additoinal tone options, this is just a cute simple booster. What has blown my mind is the toggle switch, which acts both as a latching and then momentary switch, how cool is that. As you can see in the video below, you can use it as a short little boost for a lick or run, without having to stomp on the switch twice ,just hold and release. Now that is COOL. Video sounds awesome too!Quick search of the web seems to suggest that it is coming in late July 2013 (so not long), I am hazarding a guess that it will be around the same price as a polytune mini...maybe a bit less due to no complex screen.Now where is my Nova II?PeaceNeil