New guitar music : why isn't it evolving?
So this is just a thought....and it does relate particularly to guitar music....where are we going?? There was an epic evolution of styles of guitar music from the 50's through to the 90's, but since then? Not that much (note I am not saying none at all) just not as much. So I had this though, is this because we are now trying to emulate our heros, rather than innovate?There is so much to practice, so many songs to learn (quickly)...but what are we outputting? Are we all becoming the X factor generation of guitarists? Where we can perfectly replicate a Hendrix tune or knock of a John Pretucci run, but what about our voice?Is it time to stop (for a while) practicing playing 16th notes at tempos exceeding 200 bpm, stop learning every song on the guitar because there is easy access to tuition and develop our own voice and our own innovation?Just a though?PeaceNeil