Neil Spencer Bruce

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Inspiration is a very interesting topic, so I thought I would dedicate a blog post to thinking and discussing it. As a lecturer it is a concept which I try to communicate how import it is to find inspiration in whatever form it takes, and going with inspiration you feel to creating your art. I personally, go to a number of places for inspiration, primarily it is the music and performers of my formative years which provide the greatest amount of inspiration, and probably one of the biggest of those is Steve Vai. Although, inspiration for me can come from a variety of different sources, it is just a case of being open to it and seeing how an idea can inform the art you are trying to create.

Going back to Steve Vai, I remember reading his Martian Love Secrets series of articles in Guitar World (around 1988 something!) and it really did change my world. The ideas (some of which have already been touched on in my blog and in my book), really resonated with a young me, and changed not just my perspective on guitar playing but on life as well) These days, thanks to the internet, I find inspiration in so many different places and through so many musicians. I have always been a massive fan of a wide range of much from Blues, Soul, funk and Motown and have really been inspired by the musicians who formed it basis and in particular their stories. BB King has become a massive inspiration for me, and the ability to be instantly recognisable by one note and the ability to make one single note convey so much emotion from joy to sadness, is a massive motivator for me when trying to be inspired to create new material. Thinking of how others are able to create so much feeling within a simple vibration of air molecules is something which continues to inspire me.

I find that I gain a lot of inspiration from outside of music, from all kinds of creative fields, and sometime (bizarrely) people who are doing well in their lives. In particular, thanks to things like TED talks, I have found inspiration in many of their differing talks, in particular in 'just going for it' with life and doing what you have to do. You make your own life and you only get one shot, so you have to make it the best it can be. In fact, whilst not a TED talk, this video of Steve was incredibly inspirational.

Steve Vai on How to be successful

I have also just watched a fascinating documentary about The Creative Brain: How Insight Works, which provided some fantastic information about how creativity works, and how, most importantly that when the mind wanders it is at it's most creative. The programme looks issues around that ' moment when a light goes on in your head. In a sudden flash of inspiration, a new idea is born', something I am sure we can all relate to. I found it particularly interesting that the mind seemed to be at it's most creative when the person was not just doing nothing at all, but mindless (no pun intended) tasks (e.g. arrange bricks into the same colour), this would explain why perhaps we have our best ideas in the shower or out for a walk or when meditating on an idea.

I have also found that working with other people, such as students, other tutors, musicians and creatives who tend to be incredibly supportive and inspirational, sometimes in very small ways, but each inspire me to want to do more with the guitar, my music and my art and showing me that everything is possible.

In short I tend to take inspiration from everything around me, no matter how small and yes I think it is to create inspiration, by getting into the right state of mind, or being around creative and inspirational people. That would be my advice today.


