Neil Spencer Bruce

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Fender 68 Deluxe Reverb Custom The Sweet Spot

So you may have read my recent review of the Fender 68 Deluxe Reverb Custom, where I may have been quite gushing in my praise for the amp. Well actually I may have actually declared my undying love for it.Well, after some more gigging with the amp, I can safely say that this love is only getting stronger. All the the pros that I mentioned in the review still hold true and mostly importantly the way this amp sounds is just phenomenal and the ability to get the most amazing feedback from the amp is just the icing on the cake.On top of all of that, the fact that this amp is so, so easy to transport and carry make me a very happy camper. I am also more relaxed in transporting it now I have a Hot Covers cover for it (review and video review can be found here), ensuing that my pride and joy doesn't get too beaten up from gig to gig!!

The Sweet Spot

So, the title of this post is about the sweet spot! After all my recent gigs I have found that there is a lovely sweet spot on this amp, which resides in the middle of the volume dial just between 4-5, it is really hard to pin point, but when you have the amp set below 4, it is still amazing and given most situations this is where you are likely to have it set.But moving ...well actually nudging it just above 4, and somewhere in between 4.5 ish, something magical happens! I can't actually describe it, but something that is already sounding and playing awesomely, suddenly roars up a gear into a different beast, it is like something insdie the amp is unleashed.Note's sustain and feedback even more, the lovely Fender tone seems to move from 3 dimensions into 4! And for something that is already very responsive to touch, starts to feel like it is actually connected to your fingers and your very soul.What more can I say but I am even more in love! If you  get the change to take your amp into the sweet spot! Do it, do it now! If you don't own this amp and think that you want that Fender goodness, then make sure that this amp is on your list to try out!I'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below if you own the amp, or please fire away any questions if you have any about the amp!